The 5 P of the 21st Century People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership


Development is the process that gradually progresses to a different stage, usually more advanced and more mature, through gradual changes and expansions. The old developmental paradigm, focusing on prosperity and economic growth, has often neglected the other aspects of life and society, such as the subjective aspects of human and social well-being, crucial to human happiness and social quality, the latter being not significantly correlated with income levels and economic welfare. In this context, certain clarifications are required, such as: delimitation between economic development and economic growth; the distinction between different types of economic development indicators; the assessment of economic development must take into account the spatial, social and temporal context; the existence of key development indicators for different areas, sectors, countries and regions; the existence of differences in the interpretation of development and life standards, and last but not least the delimitation of current values of nonvalues as mentioned at the UN General Assembly on 12 August 2015: People, Planet, Prosperity and Peace. Based on these considerations and correlating with the overall objective of the EU and FAO to reposition the family farming on the outskirts of agricultural, environmental and social national agendas, we can say that now on a global scale we are in a position to promote a shift to a more equal and balanced development. Worldwide, it is intended to promote the directions to: generate discussion and cooperation at local, national, regional and global level; raising the awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by small farmers; contributes to identifying effective ways to support small farmers such as microfinance.

A question that is put in and we are trying in the limelars of knowledge to answer is if there are real chances for mankind to identify those solutions both for the limited resources of the Planet and for the aceler growth of the population but especially solutions for peace in the context of the current wars, all in an experiment of partnership and prosperity.
