Cassava Waste Management in Selected Local Governments in Ogun State Nigeria


Agricultural waste like cassava, produces huge amounts of waste and is generally considered to contribute largely to environmental pollution. The continuous growth and thriving of cassava processing businesses in most developing sub-Saharan African Countries has resulted in the generation of large amounts of cassava processing. From the foregoing, there is a need for a better management and utilization of these waste residues through a better waste management system. This study therefore investigates the method of waste disposal that is adopted by cassava processors in the selected local governments in Ogun State and also to find out what cassava residues are used for in the selected cassava processing factories in Ogun state. Testing the drawn hypotheses, the simple regression analysis was used to test if a significant relationship exist between the variables to be tested. Also, the chi square method of analysis will be used as a supporting tool since a public opinion is to be tested. The study observed that cassava peels are heaped at refuse dump, with waste water allowed to flow into the community and nearby vegetation. Also in most communities visited, the peels were used as animal feed while in most cases, they are used for cooking. The study therefore suggest proper waste management with the available technology to minimize the pollution effects of cassava waste. 
