Evolution of Investments in Romania and Their Impact on the Sustainable Development of the Economy


The market economy is designed as an extremely dynamic system that is continuously restructuring, a process which is determined by the technical, economic, social and institutional changes. In the last 15 years, the process of transition to the market economy of Romania has been quite tortuous: Communist customs, excessive centralization and the high level of bureaucracy have slowed down the process of the economy adaptation to the global context. Obtaining in 2007 of the status of European Union member state led to the necessity to follow an economic programme compatible with that of the Union, aimed at the level of domestic investment and that of the foreign direct investments to be attracted and that allow for the developments of priority business sectors. The economic growth of Romania does not attract FDIs, because the investors are mainly interested in factors such as the relatively low cost of the work force, the significant level of training, the non-discriminatory and attractive legal framework (even if it has been changed multiple times during the entire period). The low cost of raw materials, utilities, the opening of central and local public authorities towards the foreign investors are some of the attractive features that attracted capital owners from the international markets. This paper tries to perform an analysis of the direct, determination relation between the economic growth and the investment flows, resulting in the necessity to study: total investments, investments per economic sectors, total investments and their financing sources, foreign direct sources as flow and balance and GDP in Romania.