Examining Students’ Acceptance of Internet of Things Technology in Higher Education


The purpose of this study is to analyse students’ acceptance of Internet of Thing (IoT) in higher education. Student performance is important in the evaluation the education quality in higher education institutions, but there is little research to explore the role of IoT services on teaching and learning processes. Previous research has demonstrated that IoT technology can promote online collaborative and interactive learning. This study is a cross sectional survey and it focuses on Romania. In spite of these findings, relatively little work has been conducted on whether IoT technology influence the higher education systems and students’ academic performance. Thus, we explore students’ attitudes towards the use of IoT tools in their learning or social activities, what kind of IoT tools the students prefer and if there is a significant difference in attitudes of students who are employed and who are not. We have used the regression analysis to investigate the acceptance of this technology in learning and teaching processes. Empirical data were collected through a survey of 86 students from University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania. We used this analysis to test the proposed hypotheses. The findings reveal that student’s perceptions about IoT services highlight the fact that there is a lack of regulation and privacy concerns. The analysis results indicate that IoT technology has significant positive effect on student performance. The students’ acceptance of IoT technology in higher education depends on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. The results of this study support previous research and provide additional information about IoT services. The study is a cross sectional survey and it focuses on Romania. However, the results may be common to other countries and universities. These findings require further investigation in future research on theories, and practices for academic leadership development. Finally, limitations and future research directions are discussed.
