Indonesian Business Program Development and Management at the Special Capital Region (DKI) of Jakarta, Indonesia


The study of IBP (Indonesian Business Program, Indonesian: UPPKS, Usaha  Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Sejahtera, literally: Prosperous Program to Increase Family Income Generation) empowerment in DKI (Daerah Khusus Ibukota, Special Capital Region of) Jakarta is aimed at measuring the determinant factors comprising relationship models between independent variables (which include: the groups' empowerment team [the management and leadership] and the advocation services (GETAS), the formation of/ training of caretakers/ members (MTF), the interaction of the advocation services with the group itself (ASWGI) towards the dependent variable of capital development, production, and the marketing of IBP (M) with the development of the IBP program (PD). The 176 respondents represent all the pengelola and the pendamping of the entire Jakartan region. In the last 10 years, the number of IBP groups in the DKI Jakarta has been relatively stagnant. As many as 800 groups were given loans for capital as low as IDR. 2,500,000 up to IDR. 5,000,000 each. Through the regression process, there has been discovered a significant correlation between both the independent and dependent variables (H0 being rejected while H1 is accepted), except the insignificant empowerment team/advocation service variables (H0 being accepted while H1 is rejected).
