Innovation of Education with Emphasis on Increasing Competitiveness of Future Graduates from Technical Faculties


The whole world is evolving very fast, and of course technology is being innovated very quickly as well. Vision in 2020, as the main theme of the conference said, sounds like the far future. But five years is not such a long time, nevertheless technical possibilities are increasing dramatically. That is why it is necessary to think about the future, to plan the future and to have some vision. And this whole process starts in education. Young and innovative people are the most effective choice for an employer, and can meet objectives more rapidly. But they need to have the necessary education. “New models, an intense focus on the student experience, and a drive for innovation and entrepreneurism will ensure that higher education continues to meet society’s needs.” (Educase 2010) It is very important for students to deal with real problems during their studies, such as projects coming from local companies. Students must have high-quality study materials which come from real projects from industry. “Few students would study engineering without expecting their education to help them prepare for engineering work.” (Male 2010) Sometimes we can see lectures are supported by twenty year old materials and it is necessary to change, because if it takes graduates from technical faculties months or years until they are able to work independently and to be beneficial for society, the efficiency of the education is at a low level.