About innovation and optimization with Logical Analysis of Data and WEKA


The goal of this paper is to illustrate the contemporary impact of a modern combinatorial optimization based data analysis methodology, that is able to perform classification with justification, Logical Analysis of Data (LAD). As a result, this methodology has been so far successfully tested on various areas of knowledge like: clinical settings, the world of sport, computer science, healthcare. A variety of studies have proved that the accuracy of LAD bears close such as similarity to some of the best methods used in data analysis, while at times even exceeding results obtained with methods which are most frequently used. Herein, we investigate the accuracy of LAD and we make some remarks about its execution time and the quality of the results. In addition, the LAD methodology is compared with the most important classification algorithms used in the machine learning literature, and their implementation in WEKA, for a greater impact on final results. Overall, it is to be noticed that LAD counts as a highly innovative and intelligent method of classification.
