The Production of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants – A Niche Business for the Romanian Agriculture


The current paper proposes an analysis of the Romanian production and trade sector for medicinal and aromatic plants. Romania possesses a rich natural potential, represented by over 800 plant species with medicinal potential, of which 283 with obvious therapeutic properties. Compared to other European states, the Romanian legislation in the field of medicinal plant based food supplements is not adequate for the progress registered by producers, since it must be adapted and correlated with the European regulations. The lack of efficient supportive measures by local authorities during 1990-2017 lead to the loss of an important competitive advantage on the international market in the field. The Romanian traditional knowledge and use of the medical potential of medicinal plants pertaining to the national flora positions our country on the 15th level in the world, outranking many European states. Production in the field is concentrated in a few counties, which occupy front positions when it comes to cultivated surfaces and medicinal and aromatic plant quantities harvested. The National Program for Rural Development 2014-2020 offers important financing and business development opportunities to local farmers, in this niche segment of agricultural production, obtaining important benefits for the Romanian economy, but governmental measures are necessary to promote and support Romanian agriculturists in accessing European funds
