Software Support of Project Initiatives – Recommended Tools


The number of projects has been recently growing along with the requirements on speed, costs and quality. Using project management (PM) frameworks helps to achieve good results in all three domains. In addition, PM (1) helps to bridge the gaps between managers from different disciplines, (2) establish better communication links, (3) provides control and verification tools, (4) assists in identifying problems areas and in (5) creating project plans and schedules. As part of project planning, managers must make many decisions. The planning process consists mainly in “(1) information search and analysis; (2) development of alternatives; (3) analysis and evaluation of alternatives; (4) selection of alternatives; and (5) execution and feedback” (Gardiner & Ritchie, 1999). Even though the PM methodologies have been changing in the last few years (shift from traditional to agile) planning still involves the same above mentioned steps.