A SWOT Analysis of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Management in Romania


The paper presents an analysis of the Romanian waste electrical and electronic (WEEE) management system, with a particular focus on the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the WEEE practices. We have also presented the regulatory tools in the area of WEEE management, at European and national level, the institutions involved in this process, as well as strategies and principles aimed for a more efficient WEEE management. The paper shows the evolution of the collection, recovery and recycling/treatment rates in Romania between 2006-2012, compared to the values established by the WEEE Directive. The main issues of the WEEE management system in Romania are related to the collection process and the unregulated activity of the informal sector. These aspects are highlighted and discussed in the SWOT analysis along with possible actions that could be undertaken in order for our country to meet the standards imposed on all EU Member States.