The Making of Malaysian Management Accountants


The purpose of this paper is to determine what it takes to make Malaysian management accountants in order to meet with the demands expected of them in the dynamic modern business landscape. Through questionnaire survey, opinions were sought from registered members of CIMA Malaysia Division on their future roles and tasks as well as, skills required of them. The survey findings revealed that management accountants in Malaysia will continue to perform their conventional tasks however they are expected to become business planner, strategy formulator and strategic leaders. This means that it is necessary for Malaysian management accountants to possess necessary skills which included analytical, strategic thinking, broad business knowledge, leadership, decision making and ethics. In essence, future Malaysian management accountants are constructed as a knowing subject who are visionary and producer of truthful knowledge too. Therefore, it is important to ensure relevant education and training programs ought to be developed for this discipline to address increasing demands likely to be placed on Malaysian management accountants in order to remain relevant in the competitive business landscape.
