The Analysis of the Current Provision of Older People in Russia with Financial and Social Resources Compared to Previous Generations


Today there is a growing trend of aging population in the whole world, which occurs due to the reduction of fertility in developed countries and to increase life expectancy. By 2050 more than a quarter of the world population will be aging people. Therefore, this research is devoted to discussion of topical issues relating to such an important challenge as the provision of older people with financial and social resources in Russia. The goal of the presented research is to answer the crucial question: are older people today better off than older people from previous generations in terms of financial and social resources? At the end of the research it was given an unambiguous answer to this question. It was made a conclusion that in some cases provision of older people with financial and social resources has improved in comparison with the previous generations, in other cases it has worsened or has not changed, but when giving an overall assessment it should be stated that, unfortunately, the general provision has worsened especially concerning social resources.