Analysis of Kids Apparel Market Segmentation amongst Millennial Moms (An Implication for Kids Apparel Retailer in Jakarta)


Over the past 2 decades, Generation Y, which is often called Millennials, has become an important market segment. A phenomenon that emerged lately is the millennial moms are busy uploading photos of their children in such a way they dress through various social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Path. Although Millennials form a potential market segment, but Millennials is not a homogeneous group, so that millennial moms' shopping behavior can not be uniform due to the diversity of characteristics, both demographic and psychographic. To that end, it is important for marketers, especially kids apparel retailer, to divide this market into segments that are more specific, so that each segment can obtain a different treatment from marketers. The purpose of this study was to establish a kids apparel market segmentation based on the behavior of the millennial moms and determine whether there are differences in demographic characteristics between the segments formed, to eventually be able to provide recommendations for marketers of kids apparel retailer in Jakarta related to the differences in the character of the segments exist. 
