Investigation of Stair Detection and Recognition based on Signal Processing of 1D-LiDAR Sensor


The detection and the recognition of stair cases is a crucial task. Generally, such application requires a powerful sensor to send relevant information allowing a thorough analysis of the environment. Much research is based on the costly 2D/3D LiDAR system. However, in this paper, we propose a new low-cost electronic system based on 1D-LiDAR (LIght Detection and Ranging), as well as a detection and recognition process of stairs based on possibilistic modeling of laser wave. The 1D LiDAR sensor may prove to be an efficient depth sensor for stair detection and recognition in both indoor and outdoor environmental conditions. The Low-cost, small size and high accuracy of the system present the main challenge to our task. As there is no affording dataset of laser signals acquired for stair detection and recognition, we are required to develop our own dataset using 1D-LiDAR. In this context, no previous work has considered such a challenge