Evolution of the Ukrainian Model of Public Gender Equality Policy


In the article the authors carried out the evolution of the Ukrainian model of public policy of gender equality. It is pointed out the problems of public policy that do not contribute to the development of gender equality and equal opportunities in Ukraine, thereby leaving relevant issues. It is noted that for the last 30 years essential shifts at formation and realization of public policy of gender equality have been carried out. The evolution of executive authorities on the formation and implementation of public policy of gender equality and equal opportunities is reviewed. The institutional provision of gender equality and equal opportunities in Ukraine was defined. It is noted that effective policy is possible only with the coordinated and clear cooperation of authorities with the public. Public participation in the formation and implementation of policy is an important condition for its effectiveness, and consideration of the direct interests of communities and individual citizens improves the quality of preparation and adoption of management decisions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the evolution of the Ukrainian model of public policy on gender equality and equal opportunities over the past 30 years, the strengths and weaknesses of the model, as well as to determine the prospects for the development of public policy in this area.