The Descriptive Analysis of the New Norms of Holistic Consumer Apprentice Programme Evaluation


Pandemic Covid-19 and the Revolution Industry 4.0 dramatically contributed to the transformation of the purchasing landscape from the conventional to the online activities. It will may have a negative impact such as the increasing of online scammer and fraud. Indirectly it is shows that the empowerment level of Malaysian consumer was at low level especially when some of the consumer do not aware about consumer right and any redress action. Therefore, The New Norms of Holistic Consumer Apprentice were an advocacy program has been organized as an effort to empowered Malaysian consumer. The main objective of the program is to empowered Malaysian consumer and some of the objective were to share and distribute the knowledge and awareness to consumers regarding consumer rights, financial literacy, the ability to make decision to buy and redress. At the end of the program, an evaluation form has been distributed to the participant to ensure the effectiveness of the program and the attainability of program goals.