A Case Study: Enhancing Enterprise System Competitive Advantage


The purpose of this report is to study the importance of Enterprise Systems    and evaluate the competitive advantage gained through it in the Call Center industry. Since the late 90s, Enterprise Systems have been used to impeccably integrate information   itinerant through an organization. According to Davenport they are software packages that assure the delivery of flawless assimilation across enterprises incorporating both suppliers and custom­ers [3].They have outmoded many of the integration problems related to legacy systems. Such software supports various departments in sharing the information and interacting efficiently with each other. Davenport refers to enterprise system" (ES) as "business systems" and not industrialized or mechanized systems [2]. This study would underline the vital importance of ES and the diverse advantages that the selected organization has over its competitors as a user of ES in a corporate environment. Some flaws and incompatible aspects of ES will also be exposed in this evaluation.