A Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Video Visualizations to Improve Automated Vehicles Privacy Policy Read Rate among Users


Privacy is becoming extremely crucial for companies to operate especially those that utilize customer information for their operations. With the emergence of new technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Automated vehicles, mobile payments, privacy is no longer a compliance issue, but also a user responsibility to ensure he is aware of the risks of sharing his personal data with third parties. There is a big effort to understand how the Privacy policies can be made easier to read and understand. In this paper, we share the results of a comparative study on users who read a Privacy statement from an autonomous vehicle provider (Tesla as case study) and compared its effectiveness to that of a video visualization that explained the policy. The study focused on the users’ understanding and recall. Our research shows that video visualization greatly increases click and read through rates as well as helps the user understand the risk associated with privacy notices better.