A Formal Approach to Designing Distributed Database Protection Mechanisms


The lack of security mechanisms with formally confirmed properties may lead to unlawful violations of data confidentiality. Safety models using the verified achievements of mathematical theories can allow to formally demonstrate the correctness of the declared properties. Database systems are often dispersed. To manage such systems, distributed database systems (DDBS) are created in which the local database systems are operated in each of the nodes. It can be assumed that at the logical level, DDBS is represented by a set of local conceptual schemes, which together form the global scheme. The users have technical capabilities to access and process data from any DDBS node. Therefore, an important problem is to guarantee a common, global data protection policy. The article presents the concept where the mechanisms of data protection are based on lattice security models. Those models are the basis for the creation of a superlattice as an expression of a global data protection policy throughout the DDBS. The developed method includes two groups of activities, i.e.: verifying the consistency of the set of local lattices and construction of the superlattice. The mathematical modeling layer contains the lattice model of the data protection, while  the design layer uses the BPMN / UML diagrams incorporating the effects of mathematical modeling in design processes.
