A Modern Enterprise as an Element of Digital Economy


In the modern conditions of new economy development, the digital economy is a current area of research for theorists and practitioners. Researchers in Russia and abroad are trying to give an exhaustive description of this concept, to determine the goals and objectives of entrepreneurs for the future in the given conditions. The digital economy is an independent part of the new economy, which is of great interest to economists and entrepreneurs. The reason is that it can be used to improve the management of various economic entities based on changes in the regulatory framework, increase the speed of management decisions, create innovative products and technologies, and develop new economic areas: economy of impressions, MICE industry, Smart city, etc. The use of digital technology has had positive results both globally and locally. On the one hand, the digital economy is a collection of new emerging industries. In recent years, the introduction of new innovative technologies has led to the emergence of huge markets for cellular communications, Internet services, the online gaming industry and others. On the other hand, innovative technologies have an impact on some areas of economic activity of existing economic entities with the aim of their transformation and improvement. This basically involves the replacement of methods, principles and mechanisms of work with the modern digital ones, or having digital elements in them, as well as their further modernization. Globalization is becoming a fundamental tendency and principle for the development of a modern economic system due to the increased integration of various spheres related to the formation of the global electronic network. The identified development trends provide broad opportunities for the development of global business, on the one hand, and on the other, increasing the responsibility of entrepreneurs, primarily to consumers. The essence of the digital economy, as well as the so-called new economy, is closely connected with revolutionary innovative changes in the application of digital technologies in all areas of activity, the creation and rapid development of the Internet, and innovations in both hardware and software. The current trends in the development of the world economy are largely due and will be determined by the development of the global electronic network, the use of information-intellectual and digital technologies, and the fuller realization of human capital and artificial intelligence potentials. Consequently, the study of the digital economy problems is highly relevant both from the point of view of the economy and from the standpoint of the practical transformation of management systems at various levels: from e-government to digital smart-management models of various objects. Modern digital economy offers new business models and emphasizes the need to transform management mechanisms to meet changing realities.