A Multi-Criteria Model For Assessing The Quality Of Nursing Care As An Element Of Health Care Facility Management


The presented article presents a multi-criteria fuzzy model of nursing care quality evaluation based on the evaluation criteria given in the proprietary BOHIPSZO procedure. A multi-criteria model was created on the set of criteria and sub-criteria. For each sub-criterion, a score of 0-10 points was assumed, which provided a broader picture of nursing care standards' fulfillment. The assessment is made by randomly selected patients - because each of the eight essential criteria consists of several factors. The possibility of representing the patient's uncertainty about the assessment was taken into account by the prospect of giving a score range in case of doubt.

Additionally, it was proposed that the commissioning team could define the importance of particular criteria if this team places greater emphasis on specific standards of nursing care. Based on the patients' assessments, each patient's final judgments are calculated, taking into account the (optional) importance of the criteria and sub-criteria. In the final phase, the final assessment of the health unit is determined.