A Pragmatic Review of Organisational Culture and Knowledge Sharing


This manuscript analyses the dependence between corporate culture and knowledge dissemination within organisations. Organisational frameworks are reviewed based on their inherent compatibility with knowledge sharing. To supplement this discussion, a recent study and its findings are included. The objective is to highlight and open debate on selected issues associated with a knowledge sharing culture. Knowledge sharing continues to receive considerable attention in both business and academic circles (Eisenhardt and Santos, 2002). Furthermore, it is considered to be a vital element for innovation, organisational learning, skills and competencies development, increased productivity, and competitive advantage (Mooadian, 2006). No matter how the programme is recognised within the enterprise, whether it be known as an intranet café, management success stories or a lessons learnt repository, organisations aspire to improve performance and subsequently, competitiveness through varying degrees of Knowledge Management (KM) implementation and deployment (Milosz and Milosz, 2010; Martín et al., 2012).