A Stakeholder Communication Matrix (SCM) as a Planning Tool in Project Management: The Case of Cultural Heritage Projects


The objective of this paper is to propose and test a new tool in project management, in the area of stakeholder management and communication: stakeholder communication matrix (SCM). The model combines two dimensions: communication channels (22, divided into 4 groups) and stakeholders (13). The SCM was proposed based on literature review and in-depth interviews with the experts – project managers with knowledge and experience in cultural heritage (CH) projects. CH projects were selected as the best “test site” for this tool due to the fact that they are characterized by complex networks of stakeholders. The results demonstrated that SCM is a simple and useful form of planning (and monitoring) communication processes in the projects carried out in such a specific environment. However, it was designed for use in any type of project, including business and commercial ones. Although each activity requires defining a specific list of stakeholders, the set of communication channels is universal and can be applied to any project.