A Strategic Approach to the Optimization of Teaching and Design Processes in the Field of Architectural Design. Benefits of Using Freehand Drawing in the Perception of Space


The article presents the possibilities of using the drawing interpretation method to assess the external environment in a process consistent with the principles of sustainable design. It was indicated that the method used sensitizes, stimulates the imagination and creativity of students and professional architects and engineers. The article emphasizes the value of records of architectural concepts, sketches and in situ drawings, which are easy-to-use tools for assessing visual quality and optimizing the context and design processes, as well as the impact on the quality of the environment, i.e. our common good. In addition, the suitability of this method for online teaching is explained. It was also noted that the acquired skills and competences in the field of visual arts, emphasizing transparency in industry communication, raise awareness in the field of design and favour personal development. The effects of the above-mentioned artistic activities are a source of useful information and prove the high quality of professional skills and individual predispositions, characteristic of people with great achievements in the industry. The article concluded that freehand architectural design is a key method in the design process that should be incorporated into the lifelong curriculum of future architects and students (undergraduate and graduate). Research suggests that this method can increase creativity levels by developing the ability to use innovative ideas.