A Study of Waste Management Innovation in Pemalang Regency, Indonesia


Waste is one of the significant issues for the whole world due to its generated day by day. Using the waste production data in the Pemalang Regency, 180 tons of waste are produced every day. It means the residents were producing approximately 4 ounces of waste in a day. The problem is that waste storage capacity in Pemalang Regency cannot accommodate for more than 5 years because of the waste production increase from time to time. Ironically, the existing policies related to waste management have no complaint from the community. In conjunction with the present issue, this research seeks to study waste management innovation in Pemalang Regency, Indonesia. This study designed using a qualitative approach. The data were collected from relevant literature, observation, and in-depth interviews. This study showed that the community behaviour does not support the government policies implementation related to 3R (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle). There are no linkages of waste management policies, community needs and sustainable development regarding the environment. In conclusion, waste management innovation is one of the essential ways that can be used to accommodate the highest waste produced and decrease environmental destruction. Also, it supports the government policies to implement 3R in daily community life. This study implied to government as the main stakeholder in managing waste and policymaker to develop a new model of waste management that can be linked to waste management policies, community needs, and sustainable development regarding the environment.