A System for Generating Accounting in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards Based on a Risk-Based Approach


The article deals with the features of assets accounting and valuation, liabilities and capital in the system of formation of risk-based financial reports based on the principles of international financial reporting standards (IFRS). The authors indicate innovations in appraisal of assets value, liabilities and capital, and highlight the accounting innovations arising from this, focused on the task of financial statements generating at fair value. In addition, the authors draw attention to the need to recalculate the fair value of assets, liabilities and capital, and, thus, its gradual approximation to the truth. It performs the need to use tridimensional measurement of financial reports using indicators at fair value, at face value, and deviations between them. Such approach to the formation of financial reports will increase the investment attractiveness and company's creditworthiness. Investors, shareholders and creditors will see the lower and the upper change ranges of financial indicators in the reports and have ideas about how assets, liabilities and capital can change when implementing a risk management system.