A Traditional Literature Review on Physicians’ Dual Practice – Literature Review


The current study seeks to establish the trends in physician’s dual practice and present existing knowledge gaps that need to be filled based on studies done in other contexts.

The study adopted a desktop literature review method (desk study). This involved an in-depth review of studies related to physicians’ dual practice. Three sorting stages were implemented on the subject under study that is dual practice in order to determine the viability of the subject for research. After an in-depth search into the top key words (dual practice, moonlighting, multiple job holding and physicians’ dual practice), the researcher arrived at 32 articles that were suitable for analysis. 

The study noted that from the survey, majority of the studies were based and cited most between the year 2013 and 2018, implying the relevance of the subject in the current decade. From the analysis, most of the publications on Physicians’ dual practice, were from the renowned Journal published under various journal platforms. This is an indication of the credibility of the subject under review by many scholars. In addition, the survey provides evidence as to why the subject under review is of importance in the African context since majority of the studies under review were from the Sub-Saharan and Asian region.  This proves the necessity of the studies to be carried out in the low and middle earning countries of which most are situated in the Sub-Saharan and Asian region. A trend analysis supported the above mentioned by indicating that over the period the studies were researched. Dual practice has been receiving the concerns by various authors. This was drawn from the upwards increasing trend in the subject of the study (Multiple Job holding, dual practice, moonlighting as well as physicians’ dual practice) since 2012 to 2019. The survey likewise found that descriptive research design was the trending technique to survey studies on dual practice. 

