Accounts Receivable Management at the Enterprise


In the process of assessment, an enterprise is considered as a business entity and, at the same time, is a property complex consisting of elements that can be assessed more or less independently of each other. Among these elements, it is common to distinguish the tangible ones, such as land, real estate, equipment, liquid assets, accounts receivable, and intangible ones, namely an image, business reputation, technical competence, and the quality of enterprise management. An important indicator characterizing the enterprise activity is the state of settlements with debtors. Accounts receivable of the enterprise arises as a result of non-cash settlements with buyers, contractors, depositors, accountable persons etc. The incurring of debts is due to the coincidence of the moment of finished products shipment, performance of works or delivery of services with the time of their payment. Significant amounts of accounts receivable lead to working capital redistribution. The issue of the optimum amount of receivables at the enterprise is very important and relevant for the activity of any enterprise, especially in the current conditions of economic performance. Therefore, the economic and mathematical model for finding the optimal ratio of receivables, which will help in managing the receivables at the enterprise and increase the efficiency of its activities, was suggested in our research.