Adaptive Educational Activities Modelling in the Artificial Intelligence Cyberspace


The aim of the article is to express the applied cybernetic space of the artificial intelligence modern methods, especially in the field of modern electronic business with information and knowledge. Classic approaches to the solution of educational activities are mentioned below, as well as the options of the existing and modern approach to the field based on the theory of systems and the new approach to educational activities from the modern point of view of cybernetics. Cybernetic interpretation models of educational activities are related to social systems, active users of educational activities and also active makers of these modern environments of education as well as the cybernetic space which has been developing incredibly fast represented by ICT and by a learning environment of educational activities technical background using artificial intelligence. The final solution is represented by a modular created construction of dynamic changing educational activities reacting to the changes in the social environment and technological background of the whole education. It will contribute to gathering knowledge of intelligent electronic environment and enable to create strategies applicable for economic benefitting management of educational activities as well as to train the whole cyberspace for new technologies. Partial tasks modelling is defined by dynamic processes of the real environment formulated by cybernetic systems (mathematically formulated systems of differential equations) and by learning about responses to generated signals from the educational environment identification. To process the data, MATLAB and other programs dealing with artificial intelligence were used.