Non-Communicable diseases (NCDs) are rising as the leading cause of death globally as well as in Malaysia. This is due to many changes occurring in socio-economic determinants in health such as globalisation of trade and marketing, lifestyle changes, shift of socio-demographic pattern, improved economic affordability, ease of travelling, economic transition and movement of unhealthy products, leading to high risk behavioral changes and increase in metabolic risk factors. Elderly people are among the high-risk group of having NCDs due to poor disease resistance, the ongoing effect of lifestyle, poor diet, and less physical activities. By 2020, people aged 60 and over in Malaysia are projected to be 9.7 percent of total population. With the advent of multiple wearable devices and smartphones, the various IOT (Internet of Things) based devices are changing the conventional healthcare system into a smarter and more personalized one. Hence this study aims to investigate the factors related to the theory of planned behaviour and their impact on the behavioural intention of IOT adoption among elderly NCD patients in Malaysia. The outcome of this study is expected to provide meaningful insights in creating awareness on the use of IOT among the elderly NCD patients in Malaysia and understanding their behavioural intentions that can help to maximise the utilisation of the available necessary skills and tools in the health clinics.