Agricultural Companies As A Russian Regions’ Economic Driver


Russia is a historically agricultural country with a large area, harsh climate and a specific system of economic relations. Agriculture development is now in focus and the country has succeeded in shifting from import substitution programs to export oriented projects. The sector is being overhauled with digitalization and modernization. Many regions’ economies used to be based on industry, while now the importance of farming is widely acknowledged – the development of crop and animal husbandry and even aquaculture are included in the national projects. However, agricultural labour quality remains a pressing issue – a high labour quality growth, upgrade of facilities and power infrastructure lead to lower rural employment and a labour force outflow and as a result a shortage  of human resources in agriculture. Out migration depresses budget financing and increases the need for self-sufficiency of rural population. We believe that development of agricultural enterprises cannot be considered without considering the prospects of rural areas transformation. Our article deals with the key directions of their synergetic development.