An Analysis of Pork Quality Related Research


The changes in people’s lives have had an impact on their food and have led to a lower need for energy and a higher interest in protein. Under these circumstances, it was necessary to adapt the swine to the new demands by reducing the proportion of fat in their carcass and increasing the quantity of lean meat. Such changes were possible due to an intense activity meant to improve the swine populations in the sense of reducing the layer of fat in the carcass, in parallel with introducing differentiated prices for pork, depending on its content of lean meat (muscular tissue). The organoleptic qualities and the higher energetic value of pork as compared to the meat of other species contribute to its higher demand on the market. The commercial value of the carcass is established after weighing it and it depends on its muscular tissue content. In this sense, the Technical norms for the classification of pig carcasses were adopted in Romania in 2014. The present article aims at performing a bibliometric analysis of pig carcass classification. At the same time, it highlights various aspects of the pig breeding sector in Romania using data obtained by analyzing Romanian statistics.
