An Analysis Of The Dependence Between Customer’s Satisfaction And Loyalty (A Case Study Of An Higher Education Service)


Clients’ requirements still rising. It is indispensable to look for effective ways which will serve to identify and satisfy them. Moreover, the fact that competition is getting stronger and stronger forces companies to take care of their clients on an increasingly high level and to strive for their loyalty. This concerns colleges of higher education, as well. Financial results of educational institutions are more and more often determined by customer loyalty. In order to achieve substantial effects, colleges of higher education ought to update their corrective actions on the continuous basis within the scope of building relations with customers, checking whether they pursue directions compliant with their customers’ demands. In view of the above, identification of the qualitative attributes of the service rendered is gaining an increasingly strong significance nowadays. It is closely followed by measurement of the identified characteristics, which makes it possible to present the level of customer satisfaction within the given attribute of the service and to measure loyalty. The latter is most often conditioned by customer satisfaction and is connected with recommendation of the service.