An Analysis of the Romanian Storage Capacity for Seed Production


The period 2015-2016 was characterised by a growing interest of the Romanian economic agents from agriculture in re-building and licensing a number of grain storage facilities. The interest of the Romanian farmers in developing the national seed storage capacity can be correlated with the government measures that supported this initiative from an economic point of view during the fiscal period 2007-2013, by means of the legislative regulations which have been recently issued by the Romanian officials, of the emergence of some government financial instruments meant to support the domestic production of cereals and by complying with the Common Agriculture Policy. The present paper proposes a characterisation and an analysis of the investment concentration in the licensed storage facilities for all the counties of Romania, by using the Gini Struck Index. The obtained results show that there was significant progress at a national level regarding an increase in the seed storage capacity. Also, at a national level, the storage facilities are characterised by a low technological level and by the prevalence of farm shed-like facilities, which do not provide good storage conditions, leading to an important quantitative and qualitative loss for local farmers and premature sale of production.