An Exploratory Study on Experiential Learning Laboratory for Multidisciplinary Training Through Face-to-Face and Online Modes: A Pilot Run on Customer Service Scenarios


Experiential learning has been adopted in many colleges and universities in recent years in addition to classroom settings (for examples, Gonzalez-Padron & Ferguson, 2015; Sebby and Brown, 2020).  Experiential learning covers a variety of activities, including project based work, simulation, fieldworks, practicum and internships.  Among different forms of experiential experience, internship has been widely adopted to provide opportunities for students to apply their understanding on theories in workplace setting.  Despite the importance of the internship, the market conditions of relevant industry sectors and other external factors may pose uncertainties to universities and colleges regarding the internship arrangement.  In view of these constraints, it is worth to explore more alternative experiential learning approaches that may supplement the traditional arrangement of internships.