An Intentional Model for Pedagogical Process Guidance Supported by an Adaptive Learning System


Pedagogical process is used by different learning systems with aim to guide learners and help to make learning easier and more effective. However, issues still remain; in particular learning systems guide the pedagogical process without any dynamic orientation to the learning process. Many commercial systems allow the experts to build the pedagogical process, but it is currently not possible to orient the pedagogical process to the learning process of individual learners through the pedagogical process guidance in real-time. In order to solve the issues of a process guidance; this paper discusses the potential of intentional model for pedagogical process guidance. The latter couples the teacher’s intention with the pedagogical strategies, and provides a multitude of paths between teacher intentions. In fact, based on the family of pedagogical strategies, the family of pedagogical method and the teaching style, we can adaptively support the teacher to achieve his intention through the selected strategy. The paper concludes by discussing the benefits and limitations of our model implementation and discusses future extensions to allow for the automatic adaptation of pedagogical process.