An Overview of e-Learning Barriers in the Business Environment of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises


E-Learning principles and technologies have already been implemented by various types of enterprises for several years. Successful stories of its utilization in the business environment are mostly described in the literature. However, this “optimistic” approach usually highlights positive points of e-Learning implementation and disables to fully and explicitly define related bottlenecks or pitfalls. Thisposition paper provides literature overview of conditions and barriers to successful e-Learning implementation in the business settings of small and medium sized enterprises. The investigation of published case studies reveals that there are several barriers, which need to be taken into the consideration to support fruitful usage of e-Learning technologies in the workplace. Moreover, the paper suggests potential activities that may contribute to overcoming of these barriers. Correct definition of the e-Learning purpose in a given organization, or active communication with all the stakeholders can serve as an example.