An Overview of the Data and User Requirement of Resident’s Security and Safety Application on Smartphone


This paper discussed the important elements to develop a resident's security and safety application on the smartphone. The discussion focuses on identifying and determining the applicable requirement of the apps to be used by the residents. The collated data and user requirements will comprise security and safety parameters prevalent in the state and crucial features that residents would like to use when implementing the mobile application.  This paper aims to construct an understanding of mobile apps and discuss the component that creates a firm foundation for advancing knowledge and facilitating based on the development of the apps. The method used is a literature survey. The secondary data source of information has been identified to explore the element in developing the security and safety of the mobile application for the large population. The information gained from the previous journal nationally and internationally ensure the right components are discussed. The paper's outcome will significantly contribute and benefit potential mobile application developers, the communities, higher learning institutions, the federal government of Malaysia, academicians, and researchers. It can also contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of information management. Lastly, the execution of this study will help bolster the government's plan of the National Digital Economy Initiative (Digital Malaysia) towards strengthening the digital information economy of the nation.
