An analysis of innovation framework conditions between Poland and the other Moderate Innovators countries


Innovation stimulate economic growth. Regarding the role of innovation in adaptation of countries, regions and firms to dynamic environment and enhancing their competitiveness, it is important to explore how innovation framework conditions in Poland differ from the other the EU countries with a similar to Poland level of innovation. Thus, the particular emphasis was put on Moderate Innovators countries. Hence, the aim of this paper is to investigate how innovation framework conditions in Poland differ from the other the EU countries with a similar to Poland level of innovation. To study multivariate analysis and the zero unitarization methods were applied. These methods allowed to divide Moderate Innovators countries into four groups and to
multivariate analysis of the main drivers of innovation performance external to the firm. The time period was 2009–2015 and was limited by data availability. The study was based on data from the European Innovation Scoreboard 2017 related to innovation framework conditions dimensions: human resources, attractive research systems and innovation-friendly environment. This paper contributes to the existing literature by providing new insight on understanding the issues in regard to innovation framework conditions. The analysis revealed, among others, the necessity to strengthen in Poland actions to enhance main drivers of innovation performance external to the firm. It is assumed that the obtained results may be useful for country, regions and firms in fostering competitiveness.