Analysis of Methods for the Evaluation of Information Systems: Critical Comparison by Selected Criteria


The purpose of the paper is to outline the benefits and drawbacks of selected methods which can be used for the evaluation of information systems. One of the main reasons for the evaluation of information systems is to receive feedback and adopt measures based on results. Although there is a lot of foreign literature in this area, there are still differences in the usage of research results. In this article I compared the methods according to the following six criteria: method, number of phases/criteria, information system life cycle phase, output, the possibility of comparing results of effectiveness, primary focus of the method. For the analysis, which is the subject of my work, I have chosen four scientific articles - four different approaches that have been published since 2011. This article contains detailed descriptions, benefits, drawbacks and comparison of chosen methods. The primary aim is to analyze chosen methods, which can be used for the evaluation of information systems. The secondary aim of this paper is theoretical preparation for the dissertation thesis. The basis of the method, which is purpose of my thesis, is considering the close links between the organization and business informatics. Above all, it is about appreciating the life cycle of the company, the content of the information strategy and the information system life cycle. The system would be assessed from two perspectives - levels: organizational level (e.g. financial criteria) and user level (e.g. system requirements). The result of the methods would be to assess the state of a system that respects the organizational level (e.g. financial limits) and user level (e.g., if it fulfils the requirements of users). Based on this evaluation it would be possible to take a decision whether to implement the proposed changes.