Analysis of Official Twitter Pages of Corporations


Twitter is a micro blogging platform which becomes very popular recently. In this social media platform, followers update their status by using 140 characters which is called as Tweet. Users of Twitter can follow other users and also be followed by others.

Not only individuals use Twitter, corporations can also have twitter accounts. Corporations try to reach their customers via these accounts and arrange various activities for attracting customers’ attention on Twitter. Some corporations use Twitter effectively. However, some of them use it just to be there and they cannot use Twitter effectively.

With this research project, we aim to analyze official Twitter pages with different success levels and their followers’ Twitter usage frequency and their satisfaction level which leads to brand loyalty. Official Twitter pages of corporations were evaluated for representing management success level with the help of a jury we created. B. is chosen for representing well-managed Twitter pages, A. is determined for the representation of non-managed Twitter pages and V. is chosen as an example of badly-managed ones. 96 surveys were collected from followers of these brands.

Research results show that official Twitter pages of corporations are not effective for creating brand loyalty on page followers. However, this study provides evidence about significant difference among follower satisfaction and followers’ Twitter usage frequency of corporation Twitter pages of different management success level.