Analysis of Prediction Techniques Applied to Grades


In case of special difficult conditions of teaching and learning. Schools can adopt online learning. There are different platforms and different modes that can be adopted to study online as synchronous mode, asynchroneous mode. This paper is about to discuss the program case grades where in the periode of the pandemic they were urged to switch to learning management systems and to asynchroneous tools as teams, meet and others. The grades processed in this study are of students from the program of "Web Engineering and Mobile Computing" (IWIM) of (National School of computer science and system analytics) ENSIAS school of the University Mohammed V of Rabat. The National School of Computer Science and Systems Analysis (ENSIAS) attached to the University Mohamed V of Rabat, has also organized the broadcasting of the courses online in two modes one synchronous via Moodle the Learning Management System adopted at the university and asynchro-nous mode via GoogleMeet, Microsoft Teams and/or Zoom.