Analysis of The Impact of Mobile Applications for the Monitoring of Hospitalized Patients, a Review of The Scientific Literature From 2015-2020


The advancement of technologies that allow combating the impact caused by highly contagious diseases is not only the task of medical specialists, but also of the relatives of patients and researchers who work to adapt technologies that help in the monitoring of the disease. state of health, thus mitigating the aforementioned impact. Offering a solution that facilitates the control of these patients is considered a great advance, since it allows us to improve the quality of life in the face of a disease that afflicts a person. The document uses a review of the scientific literature from 2015-2020 to know the criteria, tools, architecture and definitions that this technology provides in this health sector, summarizes an architectural framework and methodology, and provides conclusions. The most popular journals included IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, SCIELO, ACM Digital Library. 75 related articles were produced from the search, then reviewed. The study concluded that there were four most used tools for the development of mobile tracking applications, three types of most used architectures. The analysis of mobile applications in the health sector is being promoted in a promising domain to provide information on the internment process.
