Many successful businesses face a certain amount of time in their history with a decrease in performance. Increasing competition due to globalization or technological progress, high capital costs and other factors are leading more and more companies to go through difficult times. The analysis of the difficulties faced by companies as well as the means of preventing and overcoming the difficult situation is very important due to the economic consequences of the deterioration of the performance. This chain reaction can cause disruption to an industry or the economy. The aim of the paper is the analysis of the way in which economic factors influence the evolution of mergers at European union level. The analysis performed for the period of 2015-2019 has underlined that the distribution and the evolution of mergers is influenced by the following macroeconomic factors: economic growth, the stock market index, the opening degree of economy, the reference interest of the central bank and inflation.
In order to test if the macroeconomic factors influence the number of mergers, the multiple regression, with the help of the statistical software SPSS 20, was used.