Analysis of the New Criteria for Civil Sevants’ Professional Annual Evaluation in Romania


The Romanian civil servants’ professional activity is evaluated annually, and based on the results obtained during the evaluation, the officials have the possibility to access career promotion, or, on the contrary, if the result of the evaluation is not satisfactory, they have no legal basis for career advancement, at least not until they have significantly improved their professional performance. In Romania, for the past ten years and the year 2019, the evaluation of civil servants was carried out on the basis of the Government Decision no. 611/2008, but starting from 2020 a new methodology is applicable, and this new legal provision is annexed to the new Administrative Code adopted by Government Emergency Ordinance no. 57/2019. The aim of the paper is to analyze the content of the new criteria in force for the annual evaluation of the civil servants’ professional activity in Romania and to determine, by analogy, whether the new criteria are more efficient than the previous ones and if they constitute sufficient premises for improving the quality of public services and for optimal development of civil servants' careers.