Analyze the Degree of Explotation of the Tourist Potential in Rural Areas. Case Study: Vâlcea-România


The development of the tourism in Romania depends mainly on the proper use of the potential of the rural areas, on the development and on rural economy revitalisation and on the adoption of a coherent regional policy. The exploitation of natural resurses to maintain the employments are extremely important, in order to meet the economic ,environmental and social aspects of rural areas. This paper aims to emphasize some theoretical aspects of rural tourism, the methodology of estimating the rural tourism recovery degree, a presentation of the poetential elements of the rural tourism recovery degree, causing them based on the estimated degree of the recovery of the rural tourism from Vâlcea-Romania. The degree of recovery of the touristic potential must stay at the concept of a sustainable development of economy which needs a multidisciplinary approach. The migration from rural areas was more intense in the last decade, the majority of people going because of the lack of opportunities and for a better subsistence.