Application Of Prototyping For The Development Of A Recommendation System For Analysis And Replenishment Of Inventory Balances


The creation and testing of prototypes in the creation of new innovative products is a very important step, helping to make the product customer-focused, maximizing the needs, wishes, consumer feedback. The article deals with the application of the prototyping stage in such approaches to creating new products like Design thinking, Lean startup for complex IT-products, which aim to be a baseline for advanced business technologies, such as predictive analytics. Based on the literature on the relevant topic, the development of an ERP-system module for a biotechnology company was carried out and analyzed. The new module implemented in ERP is a tool for managing the level of stock of consumables in all divisions on a single platform. The analysis of the case showed that prototyping gives a certain positive effect for the results of the project not only in the development of products from scratch, but also in projects for the development of the functional (modules) of existing systems.