Approaches To Assessing The Efficiency Of Network Industrial Structures


Upon reaching a certain development level in the sector, organizations, which have worked independently so far, find it profitable to unite their efforts using various forms of inter-firm cooperation. Today organization and economic forms of entrepreneurial activity are increas-ing the efficiency of resource use and creating conditions for growth in the competitiveness of cooperation participants. According to the experience of foreign countries, networking is com-mon both for small and medium forms of entrepreneurship and large production enterprises. Herewith, various forms of economic associations are set up independently on the size of capital, type of products, production technology and other factors.

Under the conditions of the Russian economy traditional integration development forms of business prevail. As a result, large corporate structures are created for which high efficiency of resource use is not common. Given the international integration, such issues are becoming urgent for national enterprises as application of networking forms of interfirm cooperation, which allow expanding production and sales, protecting common property interests, and strengthening inno-vative activity and competitiveness.