Approaches to the Intellectual Capital Assessment of Highly Qualified Personnel in the Industrial Labor Market


This paper presents the results of analysis of various approaches to the intellectual capital (IC) assessment in organization. The choice of approach to the IC assessment of highly qualified personnel in the industry market has been substantiated. The structure of the IC was determined as a systemic relationship of certain elements: client, structural (intellectual property), human and emotional capital. It is shown that all these elements are in stable relationships with each other, ensuring their functioning and development as a whole, allowing formation and development of the intellectual potential of employees in organization as well as achieving the maximum effect from its introduction along with costs minimizing.

The mechanism for the qualitative IC assessment of the highest qualification personnel of a scientific organization has been improved (on example of a higher educational institution of the oil and gas industry - Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas). New approach is based on the chosen method of the IC assessing, which involves the introduction of additional indicator called the emotional capital coefficient. The difference between this method and already known analogues is the ability to form integrally and estimate the IC of science-intensive organization, to take into account various factors and possible achievements of organization. The calculation of the IC indicators for highly qualified personnel of a scientific organization of the oil and gas industry was carried out, an efficiency index of the IC using was obtained, reflecting the university rating and possibilities of its further development.