Arctic Coastal Sea-River Zones Management Digitalization during COVID-19 Pandemic


 Presented digitalization development results for management of arctic coastal sea-river zones within environmental economics while Industry 4.0 period under climate change and COVID-19 pandemic. In study, used situational analysis, risk management approach, web technologies and building database methods in distributed networks. As research result, to increase the efficiency and reliability of arctic coastal sea-river zones management within environmental economics, it is proposed the using of remote sensing and modelling data. As digital managerial support instruments, it is proposed to use aggregate modular decision support systems, which integrate heterogeneous hardware and software resources in distributed networks. As research results, there are demonstrated examples for Ob gulf arctic coastal sea-river zone. The presented in article research results have significant scientific novelty and can be useful for different stakeholders in the area of arctic coastal sea-river zones management. Platform was used for data exchange and discussion during the study.
